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Your guide to refinancing

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Congratulations on receiving approval for refinancing! This pivotal step opens doors to financial flexibility and potential savings.

Your best next steps...

In this guide, we provide you with crucial information, including the bank's approval letter and our summary, to guide you through the next steps of the process.
Review approval and conditions:
Take a moment to go through our summary, which details the bank with which you've been approved. On the right-hand side, you'll find specific conditions, and a glossary is provided at the end.
Understanding these conditions is essential as you prepare for refinancing settlement.
Work through conditions:
Start working through the specified conditions to ensure a smooth settlement process for your refinance.
Should you have any questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Prepare for valuation (if needed):
If a registered valuation is required, rest assured, we will handle the ordering process for you.
Keep an eye out for an email regarding payment, which must be completed before the valuation can begin.
Consolidate debts (if applicable):
If debt consolidation is part of this approval, be prepared to provide proof that these debts are closed, typically within seven days of settlement. This documentation is vital for a seamless process.
Be aware of extra costs:
Refinancing may entail additional expenses, such as clawbacks on cashbacks, break fees, lawyers, and valuations. If you have any uncertainties about these potential costs, feel free to ask us.
Disregard mentioned interest rates:
Any interest rates mentioned in the bank's approval letter should be disregarded, as these will be discussed closer to the settlement date.
Contact us with any questions:
For any queries related to conditions, costs, or any other aspect of refinancing, don't hesitate to contact us or your adviser. We're here to support you with confidence throughout this process.
Your approval for refinancing presents a significant opportunity to align your financial situation with your goals. By following the action points listed above, you're on your way to a successful settlement.
We remain committed to supporting you at every step, so please reach out with any questions. Thank you for trusting us with your refinancing needs!

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